We finally made the switch from plastic baby bottles to glass ones! We still have an commercial plastic bottle kicking around here that we use occasionally, but we’ve really liked having more eco friendly products around for Little Miss. Turns out, upon doing some research, there are several items we use all the time that can be switched out for greener options – especially those for drinking!Everyone has their own ideas about going green and saving the earth and I, certainly, have mine. I’m not big on politics or what’s socially chic, but I do take the idea of stewardship very seriously. For me and my house, it’s wrong to waste not matter how much of something you have.
In that spirit, I’ve been researching some eco friendly products to use around the house. Plastic was my first target and, believe me, it’s still everywhere. However, we’re making progress towards using less of it and these items have helped!
For more ideas on how you can “green” the homestead and home, be sure to check out the Green the Homestead chapter of our book, The Do It Yourself Homestead. If you’d like a free sample from that chapter, just shoot me an email at Tessa@homesteadlady.com. For more information about the book, simply click below:
5 Eco Friendly Products for Liquids
Compostable Cups with Lids
So, this cup won’t last forever, FYI. However, there are actually several disposable cups that will completely break down in your or your city’s compost over time. If you need to use disposable, these are a great option. They certainly aren’t cheap but you can toss them without doing “plastic math.” You know, the calculations you do when you throw away a plastic item: “This is a number 6 so it will take how many eons of time to decompose if I throw it away now?”
Canteens for the Preppers
No, these aren’t army regulation, but they are made out of Stainless Steel. They’re great for hiking, backpacking or just carrying around in the car. I’m so tired of my water tasting like plastic because it’s been sitting inside a plastic bottle. We buy these Klean Kanteens at the thrift store whenever we see them and love using them. They’re durable, too, which is nice when you have five kiddos throwing them around.
Glass Baby Bottles
We have really enjoyed using our Life Factory baby bottles. Yes, the nipples are still basically plastic but such is life. We tried some other kind of glass bottle, I forget which brand now, but there was nothing to protect that glass when it fell. These Life Factory ones have these ingenious silicone sleeves that make the bottle practically bounce when it’s dropped. Ask me how I know.
Stainless Steel Food Storage
My husband recently started taking the train to work. Time was, I could send leftover soup for lunch in a simple canning jar but stuff gets more jostled on the train because it’s in his backpack.
I started looking into insulated, leak-proof, stainless steel bowls with lids to use instead of canning jars or Tupperware and found these two that I really want to try.
My husband doesn’t like to use the microwave at work (we ditched ours awhile ago) and so I like the idea of being able to heat the bowl and the soup and have it still be warm when his lunch time comes around. If you have kids that go to school outside your home, these are a great option for sending along homemade soups, salsas, yogurt and even milk for a special granola lunch treat. Here are a few more ideas on eco-friendly lunch box ideas from Creative Green Living.
Have you seen these cool things? To use:
- take an ordinary canning jar
- put this special, stainless steel lid on it
- screw it down with a canning ring
- voila, you have a drinking cup!
- If you get them from EcoJarz, they throw in some stainless steel straws and a narrow, brush cleaner (for the straws)
I’ve seen stuff on Pinterest about how you can make your own EcoJarz-type lid. That’s groovy but the thing I like about this one from EcoJarz is the seal at the base of the cap that keeps it from leaking. They sell flip top lids, too, which is super cool.
EcoJarz sent me one to review and I can’t find a thing wrong with it. It feels weird screwing the cap onto the jar with the canning ring just because I’m used to screwing down canning lids all the way and the seal makes it feel different. However, that was the only thing I could think of that was odd. Do make sure to take the straw out of the jar when you’re done using it as stainless steel, even the good stuff, can rust over time. They’re simple to use and are very eco friendly products.
Do you have favorite eco friendly products you think I should try? If I can’t find them at Amazon, be sure to let me know where to nab them.
Angi @ SchneiderPeeps says
What a great giveaway! Thanks for sharing all these ideas. We try to waste as little as possible, it is harder the more have isn’t it?
Homestead Lady says
So glad you stopped by, Angi! Yes, it’s been nice being packed to move for a year now – we got rid of a lot of stuff and most of our things are still in boxes. Makes me wonder if I shouldn’t go through them again before we move and double check that we only have stuff we NEEED. Of course, most of those boxes are filled with books – I never get rid of books!!
Kim R says
These are so neat! I am trying to green my life with more natural cleaning products. Trying to get rid of the chemicals in my life 🙂
Jenny says
The jar lids look awesome! Where can I buy some if I don’t win?? I’m always taking my own concoctions to work to drink so I don’ t drink soda. These would be great to use for that!!
Homestead Lady says
You can buy all their stuff on Amazon, Jenny. I’ve been putting water kefir in my drinking water and carrying it around – it ads fizz and a bit of sweet and keep my tummy happy. You could, of course, do straight kefir soda but I don’t always want quite that much fruit juice.
These lids are super cool and I haven’t had a leak or complaint. Now, if they’d just make those silicone sleeves for canning jars so that they wouldn’t break when I drop them. Not that I ever do that.
Karen C says
I’ve been eliminating paper products from my kitchen – no paper plates, napkins, towels. Now I’m going to work on eliminating tissues. It’s early in the year, so I’m sure I can find something else – natural cleaning products, beauty, etc.
Homestead Lady says
What wonderful goals, Karen! It’s amazing the things you can think of when you don’t purchase alternatives; if the easy stuff isn’t on hand, you have to get creative. Here’s a make your own carpet cleaner recipe from my blogging friend, Jess, over at The 104 Homestead – she makes all her own cleaning supplies! https://104homestead.com/chemical-free-carpet-cleaner/
Kim Campbell says
I’m trying to eliminate plastic containers and eat healthier too!
Homestead Lady says
Nice to know we’re not the only weirdos, eh, Kim? Eating healthier is one thing but when you tell most people you’re trying to eliminate plastic you get the “weirdo” look. 🙂
Leone says
We eat out of the garden and feed the chickens with the leftovers, use glass jars and containers, shop at thrift stores and yard sales. Take all paper and cardboard to the recycler.
Homestead Lady says
Sound like a very simple way to live, Leone! I’m amazed at how many people buy their clothes new; apart from expense, thrift store buying just seems to make more sense to me. Rich people often buy higher quality brands and then don’t wear their clothes for as long so you can find some sweet deals at a thrift store.
I’m blessed to live in place that picks up our recycling – so spoiled, I know.
Angie Jackson says
I love these ideas! I’ve been trying to slowly move away from plastic and after a year I’m nearly there.
Homestead Lady says
That is an accomplishment, Angie! As soon as I switch everyone’s travel cups over to stainless or glass with a sleeve, I’ll be really happy. All year long, the kids use those things non-stop. They’re an investment, though, and most months it comes down to food or the cups. That’s why I love when rich people donate them to our thrift stores! I love rich people who give to thrift stores!!!
Laurel says
Check out MIGHTY NEST …. a certain percentage goes to a local school of your choice and they send you an item every month when you subscribe to their 10 dollar a month program. With that subscription, they offer to ship your extra stuff for free when they ship your MIGHTY FIX item. Really great company!
Homestead Lady says
Is this the site you mean, Laurel – https://mightynest.com/
Addie | Old World New says
I can make these swaps, they’re so handy and easy! Thank you for sharing 💚
Homestead Lady says
So glad it was useful, Addie – thanks for stopping by!