Are you trying to kick the coffee habit but are still hankering for those iced mochas this time of year? Here’s the perfect combination of cocoa, dandelion and cream that will give you all the flavor and none of the drawbacks of a traditional milkshake recipe. PLUS we include a few magical ingredients that make this chocolate dandelion milkshake recipe more like medicine than dessert.
Finding a coffee replacement after you’ve kicked the habit of daily coffee consumption can be hard. Poor health habits, addictions, and stress eating and drinking are all tricky roads to navigate.
If you’ve come through to the other side and have decided you’d like to find a similar flavor to coffee but maybe something a little healthier, I hope you’ll enjoy this chocolate dandelion milkshake recipe.
Ingredients of the Dandelion Milkshake Recipe
Most milkshake recipes are not difficult to follow – something frozen, some liquid dairy, something sweet and, shazam, you have a milkshake. And I love them.
Even more than ice cream. Even more than cake. Milkshakes recipes are something I love to play around with and I can’t recall a time when I’ve been disappointed. Even the lime-peanut butter one was fantastic. Don’t make that face until you’ve tried it.
I’ve made this chocolate dandelion milkshake recipe several times now and I think it’s one of my favorites. My kids certainly love it – I was barely able to snap a few photos for this post before they wrenched it from my hands.
I don’t mind because it’s so good for them; they don’t need to know they’re practically drinking medicine!
Health Benefits of Dandelion
Dandelion is probably the most commonly known herb, except maybe mint. Everyone has grown dandelions in their lawn on accident, if nothing else.
In herbal circles dandelion is a commonly known liver tonic and diuretic; it’s even used as a weight loss aid by some. According to Michael Murray’s book, The Healing Power of Herbs,
“The portion of the plant that is most commonly used is the root; however, the leaves and whole plant can also be used. In additions it its medicinal use, dandelion is also consumed as a nutritious food and beverage. Tender leaves are used in raw salads and sandwiches, or lightly cooked as a vegetable. Tea is made from the leaves, coffee substitute from the roots…”
If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of dandelion and other foraged herbs, please consider enrolling in The Herbal Academy’s Botany and Wildcrafting course. This is a class for seriously interested herbal students to expand their working knowledge of foraged beneficial plants. Let me know if you have questions about it!
Make Your Own Dandelion Coffee
The part of the dandelion that is used for this recipe is the root. You can also include some chicory root as the flavors are very similar.
To learn to make your own dandelion coffee substitute, please visit this post from Learning and Yearning. Susan will teach you how to harvest, clean, dry, roast and process dandelion root into a simple coffee substitute.
If you’d like to make your own dandelion root coffee for this recipe, be sure to brew up at least three cups worth.
I’d Rather Eat My Own Head than DIY One More Thing
Hey, I get it. I feel that way A LOT.
Which is why, although I do harvest dandelion roots and greens all year, I usually use my trusty Dandy Blend brand of dandelion root, chicory root, barley, rye and beetroot. It’s completely water soluble and is tasty both hot and cold.
I drink a hot version of this milkshake recipe (more like hot chocolate) every day of winter and fall. Once it gets hot outside, though, this chocolate dandelion milkshake recipe is what I use to be happy. Very happy.
Either way, I use Dandy Blend most of the time. You can purchase it from online sources like Vitacost or iHerb, as well as at your local health food store. I buy mine in bulk bags because I use so much of it.
Dandy Blend
It’s made in Poland and is non-GMO by default since Europe doesn’t allow GMOs (with a few exceptions). Here’s the information on that from Dandy Blend company:
“All ingredients in Dandy Blend are grown in Poland. The company in Poland that manufactures it for us is the largest manufacturer of grain-chicory beverages in the world, serving some 90 health food producers from some 70 countries. None of us would tolerate it if any of the ingredients were GMO.
“Beyond that, the only GMO ingredients allowed to be grown in the European Union countries, of which Poland is one, is one variety of corn and one variety of potatoes, nothing else. Poland has until now successfully fought the European Union to keep those out of Poland. Put “GMO’s in Europe” into your browser and see for yourself. Bottom Line: there are no GMO beets, barley, or rye in Europe, much less in Dandy Blend, and they don’t make GMO dandelion or chicory anywhere.”
Also Gluten Free
For those who have gluten issues, here’s their response to the question of “How can Dandy Blend be gluten free with barley and rye.” Here’s the response from their website:
“This is the most frequently asked of all questions about Dandy Blend. Dandy Blend is made of the water-soluble extracts of five ingredients; three roots and two grains (barley and rye), not from the ingredients themselves. The ingredients are roasted separately and then combined in prescribed proportions, placed into a vat, covered with hot water, and allowed to steep for a prescribed period of time. The water, with the soluble portions of all the components, is separated from the grounds and spray dried. The remaining fine brown powder left after the water is driven off is what becomes Dandy Blend.
“All the gluten and other water-insoluble substances are left behind in the grounds to be composted. Hence, there is no gluten in Dandy Blend. Goosefoot Acres periodically submits samples of Dandy Blend to Elisa Technologies Laboratory in Florida, one of the most respected gluten testing labs in the United States for analysis, and so far, every test has come back gluten-free. Therefore, from the standpoint of containing gluten, Dandy Blend is safe for celiac sufferers and other gluten-intolerant individuals.”
Quality Cocoa
One day I was reading along on my friend Jess’s post about Homemade Hot Chocolate when she happened to mention a Mother Nature Network article on the 7 Health Benefits of Drinking Hot Chocolate.
Yes, cocoa is good for you (it’s usually all the twisted sugars and pasteurized dairy that comes along for the ride in a chocolate bar that’s not so good for you).
From that article, here are few highlights of the power of cocoa:
“Research continues to show us that antioxidants help prevent cancer, heart disease, age-related macular degeneration and aging in general because they fight free radicals in the body. The trendy so-called superfoods are the ones bursting with antioxidants — acai, goji berries, blueberries and pomegranate have become the superfood darlings. But antioxidants come in surprising forms too, like in vehicles once considered more vice than health food, such as coffee, red wine, and yes, chocolate. In fact, that’s one of the areas where chocolate, especially in the form of hot cocoa, shines.”
Ethical Cacao
I typically purchase cocoa in bulk from the most ethical and economical sources I can find. The last bag I purchased was a 3lb one from Healthworks. According to their packaging they are certified organic and have this to day about their sourcing:
“We source our Cacao Powder from small, organic farms where the cacao beans are hand harvested, cold pressed and carefully milled into fine powder.”
I’m hoping that’s true but without the Fair Trade stamp of approval on it, I just have to believe them. Why don’t I buy certified fair trade cacao? Simple, I can’t afford it.
Healthworks brand was at the top of my budget as it is. I sent them an emailing asking for details about their farmers and why they aren’t certified Fair Trade. Here was their response:
“Yes, our cacao powder is certified organic and sourced from small organic farms. We would like to inform you that our products are not certified as fair-trade. However, we would like to inform you that our company believes in treating everyone fairly.”
Hmm…I guess I’ll have to decide it I trust them.
If you would like a list of known ethical chocolate companies read this from Slave Free Chocolate.
The reason I purchase cacao instead of cocoa can be explained in this great article outlining the difference between the two from Paleo Hacks. The bottom line is that cacao is less-processed, which almost always (with some notable exceptions) is better for you.
My family doesn’t eat as much meat in the summer as so I’m always looking for quality protein sources for my growing kids. Please visit Weston A Price Foundation for a comprehensive look at why protein intake is so important and the problems with conventional protein powders.
For this recipe, I add a heaping helping of bone broth protein from Ancient Nutrition. For more on the benefit of protein, please watch this video also from Weston Price.
We drink bone broths during the year and use them in soups, casseroles and even the dog’s food. For this chocolate dandelion milkshake recipe, though, I use the bone broth powder.
I looked at several bone broth powders but felt satisfied that this brand is sufficient for my needs. Here are some tidbits on processing from the website for Ancient Nutrition and from the bone broth package itself.
How is the Bone Broth Protein Made?
Here is the information from the website:
“We rely on high pressure and sustained high heat to expedite the process using chicken bones, which are naturally high in glycosaminoglycans (Chondroitin, Glucosamine, Hyaluronic Acid) and connective tissue. Shorter cooking times help to retain nutrients (glycosaminoglycans and minerals such as Potassium, Sodium, Calcium and Magnesium) often lost when cooked for long periods of time. It is then carefully dried with no added fillers or excipients.”
“…our product is tested for a wide range of heavy metals, including lead, and we are happy to say that all of our products fall well below the most stringent standards in the industry (California Prop 65).
“We are committed to providing product solutions that achieve the highest levels of quality, safety, purity and efficacy. We are testing the product for so many of the quality standards that our consumers care about – including hormones and antibiotics – once we have the confirmed analysis, our official label claims and product claims will be updated and our retail partners will be updated and provided the proper documentation as well.”
Bone Broth Protein is also free of GMOs, artificial ingredients, soy, grains, sugars, carbohydrates and nuts. It is Paleo friendly, gut friendly and has no real flavor. In 22 grams (a heaping scoop) of Bone Broth Protein there are 20 grams of protein.
Dairy and Sweet for the Dandelion Milkshake Recipe
Any time I refer to dairy on this website I’m referring to RAW dairy. Any milk or cream will do in this recipe but I only recommend raw. Please visit Real Milk if you’d like to know more of the benefits of raw milk.
You can also use something like coconut sugar or raw honey, as Small Footprint Family recommends for their recipe for Masala Chai Tea Concentrate. Which, incidentally, is also an excellent flavor for a milkshake and is also very healthy for you.
Chocolate Dandelion Milkshake Recipe
Make this chocolate dandelion milkshake recipe to get the rich flavor of coffee and cacao, as well as healthy bone broth protein, maple syrup and fresh milk.
Chocolate Dandelion Milkshake Recipe
- 2 Tbsp. Dandy Blend or homemade dandelion root powder
- 2 Tbsp. Bone Broth Powder Optional; can increase to taste
- 2 Tbsp. Cacao Powder optional; can increase to taste
- 3 Cups Hot Water
- 4 Tbsp. Maple syrup; can increase to taste*
- 1 Cup Whole Milk or Cream**
- Cover the 2 Tbsp. of Dandy Blend or homemade dandelion powder with the three cups of boiling water. With the Dandy Blend, you only need mix until it's dissolved. With a homemade blend, steep for four hours, or longer to taste.
Add in cacao powder and bone broth powder. Mix to dissolve directly into hot Dandy Blend mixture. If using a homemade dandelion powder, strain the "coffee" and reheat. Add in the powders and stir until dissolved.
Place the dandelion "coffee" into an ice cube tray and freeze.
Remove the dandelion ice cubes, place in a blender. Add the syrup and milk or cream and blend until smooth. Taste and adjust sweetness as needed.
Serve with homemade whipped cream and sprinkle with cocoa powder or cinnamon.
Homemade Whipped Cream from Fresh Cream
To learn to make whipped cream from raw cream, here’s a little excerpt from our book, The Do It Yourself Homestead:
“Whipped cream is nothing more complicated that one cup of cream whipped by hand or by machine until light and fluffy. This can take a few minutes to as much as twenty minutes. Keep a close eye on the cream so that it doesn’t overwhip and turn into but-ter.
“Raw cream can be a bit more difficult to whip than pasteurized cream but don’t be discouraged. Because raw products are still teaming with beneficial life, they can have minds of their own sometimes.
“To ensure success, pre-chill your whipping equipment (bowl, beaters or paddle) in the freezer.
“Also, older cream seems to work better than new cream.
“When skimming cream off milk, be extremely careful not to get milk mixed into your cream. You can use a cream separator to be sure of the purity of your cream, or you can skim off cream from the top of your milk container and wait twelve hours to see if you get any milk falling to the bottom of your container. If you have your own dairy animals, be sure to take note if you have whipped cream success or failures at consistent times of the year—what a dairy animals eats can greatly affect the resulting products.”
To learn more DIYs and kitchen tips feel free to email me for a complimentary sample of our Homestead Kitchen chapter. To learn more about the book, click below.
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