When considering which herbal plants you might like to grow, you can easily become overwhelmed by all the options. Here’s a concise list of must have, must grow wellness herbs.
Which are the Must Have Wellness Herbs?
Bear in mind that these conclusions are NOT endorsed by any medical body.
Here is a list of some of my favorite commonly grown wellness herbs, that is herbs that promote balance and health in the body. No herb is a magic pill that will heal everything.
Also, for this list, these are herbs I consider must have, must grow wellness herbs. You will notice that quite a few make themselves useful in the kitchen, too. I concur with Hippocrates, and feel that our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.
–>>>This creation of this list was inspired by our original post, How to Plan and Plant a Wellness Herb Garden.
Read More & Take Notes
Is this list comprehensive? No!! For comprehensive, check out at least five ten books from the library.
I originally started this list with the intent of giving you only five basic, grow-able herbs; as you can see, I can’t count. There are way more than five!
- Included here are the cultural requirements for each herb, and what it’s typically used for. I’ve also included their recommended growing zones.
Here are a Few More Helpful Herbal Resources for Late:
How to Grow Unusual Herbs – Winter Sowing
To get you started planning your herb garden and take some notes about what you’d like to start growing, grab our FREE worksheets below:
Wellness Herbal Terms
You’ll need to know some basic herbal vocabulary as you learn more about wellness herbs. Remember that all herbal actions/uses are only suggestions. Please see a qualified medical professional when necessary.
- Vulnerary – Externally helps the body to heal wounds
- Anti–microbial – helps immune system overcome pathogenic micro-organisms
- Demulcent – Mucilaginous herbs which relax, soothe and protect tissue
- Diaphoretic – Increases perspiration, dilates capillaries
- Carminative – sweet, spicy aroma, promotes expulsion of gas and soothes the stomach
Bear in mind that these conclusions are NOT endorsed by any medical body.
Wellness Herbs:
#1 Calendula
Calendula officinalis
How to Grow Calendula
- Site – full sun to part shade – zone 3-10.
- Soil– tolerant of poor soils.
- Propagation – Direct sow in early spring through summer.
- Sometimes called “pot marigold” because it does well in pots.
- The seeds are large and easy to handle, so they’re great for kids.
Even black thumbs can grow calendula!
How to Use Calendula
- Externally it is often used as an anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, lymphatic, anti-microbial.
- Taken internally, it is used for digestion, normalizing menstruation, and as an anti-spasmodic.
Also used in salves for every topical problem imaginable like:
- Infections
- Cuts
- Scrapes
- burns
- chapping
Bear in mind that these conclusions are NOT endorsed by any government regulatory or medical body.
#2 Cayenne
Capsicum Annuum
How to Grow Cayenne
- Site – Full Sun – zone 9 perennial grown as an annual in most areas.
- Propagation – start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost – protect from reappearing frost.
- Soil – same as for peppers, around 6.5 pH.
How to Use Cayenne
One of herbal educator and practitioner, Dr. Christopher’s favorites!
- Externally it can warm hands and feet; may also be used to east rheumatic pains and lumbago, and for hoarseness as a gargle.
- Considered anti-microbial and, although stinging, a very effective styptic!
- Often taken as a general tonic specifically for circulatory and digestive systems.
- Considered a stimulant, good for the heart, arteries, blood flow, and nerves.
Bear in mind that these conclusions are NOT endorsed by any government regulatory or medical body.
#3 German Chamomile
Matricaria Recutita
How to Grow Chamomile
- Site – Full sun to part shade, reseeding annual.
- Soil – Light and well drained, but will tolerate poorer soils – surprisingly tough little buggers.
- Propagation – One of the few seeds that need light to germinate.
- Sprinkle on soil and LIGHTLY mix with dirt in the late spring.
Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) is a perennial, but typically the German is used for wellness.
How to Use Chamomile
- The flowers are often used as a nervine tonic and sleep aid.
- Also considered anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving, for a wide range of conditions along the digestive tract.
- It is also considered a blood thinner, so never use it during pregnancy or if you take similar medications – please consult your doctor.
Bear in mind that these conclusions are NOT endorsed by any government regulatory or medical body.
#4 Peppermint
Mentha Spicata (Spearmint) & Mentha Piperita (peppermint).
How to Grow Mint
- Site – Partial shade or sun – zones 5-11 but will survive lower.
- Soil – Moist, well drained, alkaline.
- Propagation – Take root or stem cuttings, or divide it in spring and autumn.
- In summer, root stem cuttings in water.
It is very invasive in the garden, so make sure you keep it contained or grow in pots!
How to Use Mint
- Considered carminative, anti-spasmodic, to combat gas and aid digestion; also considered a nervine, anti-emetic (vomiting), anti-microbial.
- Spearmint is considered better for kids as it’s more mild.
- Peppermint is stronger and considered better suited to adults.
- Mint is used in everything from toothpaste to candy – it’s one of mankind’s favorite flavors.
Mint, combined with Elder and Yarrow make a traditional help to soothe cold/flu/fever.
–>>Learn more about Mint here!<<–
Bear in mind that these conclusions are NOT endorsed by any government regulatory or medical body.
#5 Garlic
Allium Sativum
How to Grow Garlic
- Site – Sunny, but tolerates partial shade – will grow in most zones.
- Perennial grown as an annual.
- Soil – Rich, moist and well drained; tolerates poorer soil.
- Propagation – plant individual cloves 1 ½ inches deep in the fall for larger bulbs; Spring planting will also produce bulbs.
- Dig garlic bulbs in late summer and handle gently to avoid bruising.
Both soft-neck and hard-neck varieties will store in a cool, dry place – braid and hang
How to Use Garlic
- Use fresh, dried, roasted or infused in oil or vinegar.
- Traditionally considered an anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-biotic, suited to soothe the the heart and nervous system.
- Used to kill everything from a sinus infection to ring worm!
Bear in mind that these conclusions are NOT endorsed by any government regulatory or medical body.
#6 Echinacea
Echinacea Angustifolia is one variety, but there are several.
How to Grow Echinacea
- Site – Full sun –any zone – wide range of soils and sites.
- Very drought tolerant – do not overwater.
- Propagation – seeds may require some chill – spotty germination.
- Won’t usually flower until second year, but you harvest one to two-year-old roots for medicinal use.
Echinacea is an at-risk plant due to popularity, so plant lots next spring!
How to Use Echinacea
- Angustifolia typically used, but Purpurea also can be used, as immune stimulant.
- Considered anti-microbial, anti-catarrhal (prevents inflammation of nose and throat).
- As with most herbal dosages, plan for 10-14 days on, 7 days off – or as prescribed by your holistic practitioner.
Echinacea can be finicky to get started from seed because they require a process called cold stratification. The following article will help you understand the process well.
–>>Learn How to Grow Echinacea Plant<<–
Bear in mind that these conclusions are NOT endorsed by any government regulatory or medical body.
#7 Yarrow
Achillea Millefolium
How to Grow Yarrow
Site – full sun – zones 3-10-ish – Soil – any, but prefers well drained.
Propagation – from seed or divide roots in spring; it can self sow – be careful.
How to Use Yarrow
- Considered one of the best diaphoretic herbs; also vaso-dilator and that may have diuretic properties.
- Used to soothe the tummy, and is also as an astringent and an anti-inflammatory.
- Externally used as a styptic.
Bear in mind that these conclusions are NOT endorsed by any government regulatory or medical body.
#8 Dandelion
Taraxacum officinale
How to Grow Dandelion
- Site and Soil – will grow pretty much anywhere – I’m guessing the dark side of the moon has a patch of dandelion.
- Propagation – Try and get it NOT to grow, I dare you.
How to Use Dandelion
- The root is a general tonic and used as a liver tonic, hepatic (cleanses the liver), increases bile flow, anti-rheumatic, and may help dump metabolic waste.
- Root can help relieve skin problems, may lower blood cholesterol and can be a mild laxative.
- The leaf can be a mild diuretic, and considered a great natural source of potassium which avoids potassium depletion.
- Leaves are commonly used raw in salads but are a bitter herb.
–>>Learn to make your own Dandelion Candy Cough Drops <<–
Bear in mind that these conclusions are NOT endorsed by any government regulatory or medical body.
#9 Elderberry
Sambucus Canadensis is the North American native, but there are many varieties.
How to Grow Elderberry
- Site full sun to part shade – zones 4-9.
- Soil with good organic content, but will grow in most soils.
- The bushes do NOT mind standing water as long as it drains eventually.
- They are prolific, heavy bearing, easy to grow sprawling bushes that can grow to 15’ but can be pruned to 8’.
Elderberry needs a pollinator to set fruit, so plan to plant at least two!
How to Use Elderberry
- Berries are high vitamin C, good for jams, tea, natural dye.
- Even the flowers are useful –>> Answer the question What is Elderflower? here<<–
- Leaves are often used externally and are considered vulnerary and emollient; internally, leaves are thought to be purgative, expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic.
- Flowers prepared cold are thought to be diuretic and cooling; prepared warm they are considered diaphoretic and gently stimulating.
- Berries are thought to be diaphoretic, diuretic, aperient (mild laxative).
- Herbal preparation to support healing for colds, flus, fever, bruises, wounds, sinusitis, hay fever, etc., etc..
- The berries are also quiet tasty and can be used to make treats ranging from delicious tortes to kid-friendly granola bars.
Bear in mind that these conclusions are NOT endorsed by any government regulatory or medical body.
*Photo credit for calendula: Kelly Biscotti and her great article on Growing Calendula in your Garden.
*Photo credit for elder berry and chamomile: Kathie at Homespun Seasonal Living – an absolute treasure of a website and I encourage you to visit.
More Uses for Wellness Herbs:
When an herb performs more than one function, in permaculture we say that the herb is stacking functions. In essence this means that the herb plant is acting like a multi-tool in the garden. It’s doing many things with its one, little body.
For example, you could plant herbs that attract bees to the garden. But what if those herbs performed more beneficial jobs?
- To think about this more, please read our article, Best Herbs for Honey Bees.
To further explore the uses of the herbs we’ve talked about today, just peruse the list below!
- Calendula I use in almost every salve I make. It’s great in lip balm, too. Fresh petals are beautiful in salads.
- Cayenne is so easy to incorporate into Mexican dishes. I encapsulate it in my “multi-herbal-vitamin” and take a bit every day.
- Chamomile I put in many of my infusions or teas – especially for my kids. It is also wonderful in potpourri and salad.
- Peppermint is one I use in a lot of my kid’s tinctures to improve flavor, and for tummy upset. I also throw it into green and fruit salads, into smoothies and ice cream. When an herb grows so abundantly, I feel like that’s God’s way of saying I should eat a lot of it!
- Garlic is one I may even over use! Dehydrated, infused and strained in olive oil, it’s considered healing for ear infections. Roasted and added to flatbread with fresh rosemary, it’s a household favorite. In Russia, I used to eat it raw. Oi.
- Echinacea is so great to grow, and a dehydrator makes drying the roots so much easier. To learn to process echinacea root and flower, please visit this link from Practical Self Reliance.
- Yarrow is a wonderful bedding plant with its lovely flowers, and slightly apple-scented leaves. I grow it for both the humans and the livestock at my house.
- Dandelion is great because it grows. The roots do best in a dehydrator, as well. Greens, though, should be eaten fresh and with a nice vinaigrette. Try Dandelion flower jello or cookie.
- Elderberries are a soothing cough syrup. Make an infusion and add some raw honey – you’re kids will be pretending they have a sore throat just to get some.
Bear in mind that these conclusions are NOT endorsed by any government regulatory or medical body.
Other Wellness Herbs to Consider:
If you ask five herbalists their opinion on the best herb, you’ll get fifteen answers. So, the more research the merrier!
- Comfrey, also known as “Knitbone”
- Fennel
- Mullein
- Marshmallow
- Oregon Grape Root
- Sage
Not necessarily to grow but to have:
- Goldenseal
- Ginger (have to be grown indoors if you want to try it)
- Nettle (can grow it in most places, just have to learn to handle it)
- Reishi and/or Shitaake mushroom (can be grown indoors, but you must learn the process)
- Usnea lichen
- Kelp and/or Bladderwrack
Bear in mind that these conclusions are NOT endorsed by any government regulatory or medical body.
Things to Do With These Wellness Herbs
There are so many things you can do with these wellness plants. Let me use just one herbal writer as an example.
Devon Young writes at Nitty Gritty Mama and she is an excellent herbalist; I highly recommend her site. Just from her articles alone, here are three things to do with herbal plants:
- Make a basic salve – easy peasy, anyone can do this with these instructions.
- You can also make a perfect infused oil every time – Devon will show you how.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg, so have fun figuring out what to do first!
Herbal Online Learning
For a comprehensive online, herbal learning experience, I suggest you enroll in The Herbal Academy’s courses. The kids and I are going through their beginner herbal course for school this semester.
The lectures are interesting, engaging and we’ve been having a lot of fun with the projects. The bloopers on the videos are good for a laugh, too. Hey, laughter is good medicine, too! For more information, click below:
Resources for more Information on Wellness Herbs:
- The ABC Herbal, by Steven Horne, is a short, sweet family herbal.
- Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health, by Rosemary Gladstar. This book lives in my kitchen.
- Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner’s Guide, by Rosemary Gladstar, is a little simpler than the above and has more growing information. However, I honestly recommend both.
- The Herbal Medicine Makers Handbook, by James Green. This is a great one in general but it also has growth tables in the back for planning your own garden. Read our review of that book by clicking here.
- Making Plant Medicine, by Richo Cech, owner of Strictly Medicinal Seeds. He’s a sweet, hippy guy who loves his seeds and is very knowledgeable and down to earth.
- The Complete Book of Herbs, by Lesley Bremness. This was my first herb book and one of which I’m still very fond. There are great recipes for food, crafts, lotions, oils, etc.
- Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child, by Janet Zand. This is a great family resource book that breaks down ailments, conventional treatments, dietary helps, nutritional supplements, herbal treatments, homeopathics, acupressure, general recommendations, and prevention methods.
Interested in growing herbs but are short on space or new to them? Start with a few basic but wonderful herbs and grow them in containers! To learn how, please consider our book, The Potted Herb. This book outlines and educates you on several basic culinary and wellness herbs, including how to grow them and use them. To learn more, click below:
Nancy@livininthegreen says
Thanks for the post. These are great recommendations too. I have most of them in the garden or use the ones I don’t (like garlic.) I also used echinacea purpurea as a tea for years with our kids. Only the leaves and flowers though. I used it with a garlic ear oil remedy and it always seem to help them a lot. Well thought out article and references…!
Homestead Lady says
So glad you found it useful! Thank you for the kind words. 🙂
annie @ montanasolarcreations says
Loved this article and just pinned it! The only thing we don’t grow in our own yard is the Elderberry but we just realized last fall after it was too late to harvest any berries that we were seeing it everywhere out in the woods where we go pick huckleberries. This year we are definitely going to wild harvest elderberries!
Homestead Lady says
How awesome that you live where you can wildcraft both! Where are you?
Jo says
I’m guessing she is in Montana.
Homestead Lady says
Yes, that’s my friend Annie from her cool blog Montana Solar Creations. I was just wondering where in Montana she was foraging. 🙂
Robb Simer says
I’ve been looking for a website such as yours for a long time. I am getting a few (2-10) acres this year and plan to have an herb garden or two. [one for the kitchen, and one for medicinal purposes.] And I need to study up on medincal herbs and their uses. Thank you.
Homestead Lady says
Two – ten acres is a perfect amount, in my opinion. I think three is about all I can handle with so many little kiddos. Where are you looking to buy? Keep us posted on where you settle and how it goes!
Missy says
I really enjoyed reading your post, and I’m sure I’ll refer to it often! I’m slowly incorporating a variety of flowers and herbs each year to my medicinal collection. Last year I planted a mint garden, containing three different types of mint. Of my collection, so far my favorites include Calendula and Lemon Balm, though the new one, Borage, I’m adding this year may quickly become a most loved.
Homestead Lady says
Borage is one of my most favorite flowering herbs! It’s so lovely and my goats find it quite tasty. I hope you enjoy it!
Amanda @Natural Living Mamma says
This is the perfect list! I agree completely. Thanks for sharing on Natural Living Monday!
Lisa Bertolini says
Great post, hope you don’t mind…I pinned it. :O)
Homestead Lady says
Love that you pinned it! Let me know what I missed and how it goes for you…
Rue says
what book would you recommend for someone just start out. I grow
rosemary, basil, and oregano.
Homestead Lady says
I like the Lesley Bremness book The Complete Book of Herbs because its simple, lovely and very comprehensive for a book that’s not too unwieldy and long. Anything Rosemary Gladstar wrote is worth owning but they don’t have a ton of growing info in them. I really suggest going to the library and checking out every herb book you see and then finding one that speaks to your level of experience and your interest. I love the library for vetting books!!!
Janine says
Do you grow all of these? That is amazing. Then harvesting and using must be time consuming and incredibly rewarding. I love the definitions you shared. I have been working on terminology and I love these. Thanks so much for sharing on Oil me up Wednesdays@ My lamp is full.
Homestead Lady says
Some years the peppers don’t take or the basil floods out or the chamomile burns up. That’s a garden, herb or otherwise. It is a huge amount of work taken all in all but its worth it to know I have medicine for my family. Thanks for hosting!
Sandra says
Thanks for sharing your post at the HomeAcre Hop!
I would love a herb garden. I have started planting some in pots in the windows. Hopefully a herb garden someday 🙂
Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
Grace says
Wow! Looks like there’s some great information here, bookmarking this page to read later!
Sherri says
Nice post, lots of good information on herb growing and usage.
Lee @ Lady Lee's Home says
One of my goals for our new farm is to have a medical herb garden. LOVE this post. Pinned. Thank you for putting this list together!
Homestead Lady says
Oooh, Lee – let us know how it goes! I love herb gardens under construction – everything is such an intriguing surprise!
Mia says
I understand Sambucus leaves contain cyanogenic glycosides which are considered poisonous?
Homestead Lady says
Thank you for noting that, Mia! Not all herbal treatments are ingested, but it’s good to be aware of the properties of each plants. You can read this really cool e-publication from The Herb Society of America on Elder – especially interesting is the ethnobotanical section (how the Native Americans used elder).
Christina Hafen says
Wonderful post! Can you plant your top herbs 🌿 you listed above all together in one bed about 4′ x 8′ ?
Homestead Lady says
You could probably fit everything except the elderberry which can reach five feet wide and tall – or bigger! Also, unless you’re planting only a few garlic bulbs, you really could plant an entire bed (or more) that size in just garlic. It all depends on how much garlic you want to grow – it stays in the garden nearly a full year, so it’s there taking up space that long.
One other thing to consider is that mint of any kind is an aggressive spreader in most climates. You might want to give it its own corner of the yard if you have enough space and/or grow it in pots. All the others should do wonderfully well – good luck!
Kris says
Love learning about herbs. I usually dehyrate a lot of my herbs for the winter, but this year I decided to bring 3 parsley plants into the greenhouse along with the Rosemary which always gets dug up and replanted in the Spring. I have a pretty good sized herb garden with Sage, Basil, Oregano, Chives, Parsley, Thyme, Echinachea, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Mint, etc. One of my favorites is Tarragon. I hardly ever use it to cook with but love to just pluck off some leaves and eat it as is. I LOVE it’s taste. I would love to start some Mullein. We had it growing wild here, but I think my husband mowed a lot of it down at the wrong time not knowing what it was. I never thought of growing Cayenne. I got some seeds. Might help the old arthritis! A whole bed of garlic is planted in the fall. I dehydrate and freeze it also. There is hardly a day goes by that I don’t use garlic and onions. The one thing I have problems growing is lavender. I’m thinking maybe It’s too hot and sunny where I’ve been puting it, so I’ll try again in a shadier spot. When I take the dogs for a walk in the summer, I’m constantly “eating” as we walk. I munch on Red & White clover, Cleavers, violet leaves, etc. – even sometimes a couple of young milkweed leaves. I leave those for the Monarch caterpillars. We (dgos love them too) feast on Mulberries, raspberries and blackberries which grow wild here. I’d love to juice the wild Elderberries, but the birds always seem to beat me to them. Last year I planted borage for the first time and plan on trying Marshmallow and some other new herbs that I’ve not tried before. Yarrow I tried, but again it never came back, so I’m thinking I had it planted in the wrong place. To put it simply: Herbs are fascinating!
Homestead Lady says
Yes, I agree! It sounds like you have a lovely mix of herbs. I feel the same way about tarragon – that and savory. And lavender. Ha! I love them all.
Lavender needs lots of drainage and doesn’t usually mind heat but was it wilting where you had it? Maybe it had too much drainage?
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing!