If you’ve researched your broken gut and determined that you might have yeast overgrowth, here are some natural helps for healing. From probiotics to herbs, these suggestions will help you holistically rebuild your gut after yeast overgrowth.
How to Heal from Yeast Overgrowth
Before we begin, please remember that this post is for information’s sake only. Do your own research and consult your chosen medical professional for advice.
This is the third article in this series on yeast overgrowth. If you’re still learning the symptoms of yeast overgrowth and trying to determine whether you have a problem, please
- Click here to read the first post with lots of symptoms and information covered
- Afterwards, go to the next article here and finish reading up and pondering on yeast overgrowth
You will find 101 ways to balance yeast once you go looking for remedies. Here are some of the more simple ways to get yeast in check:
Step 1 – Probiotics/Prebiotics
Probiotics – A note about good bacteria:
As newborns, our large intestines are colonized by beneficial bacteria, like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria bifidum. These bacteria, acquired from our mothers as we pass through the birth canal (one reason why c section babies are more sickly), perform a number of functions in our bodies.
- They manufacture B vitamins, aid in the digestion and absorption of food, and provide a barrier on the mucosal lining of these various tissues, preventing abnormal bacteria and yeast from entering the system.
- Besides coexisting peacefully in the colon, beneficial bacteria also reside in the mucous membranes of the throat and in the vagina. These “good bacteria” live within us in a symbiotic, friendly relationship.
- Take a live, strong probiotic daily, consisting of at least 15 billion active cultures. The more the merrier.
- Also, look for a probiotic containing at least 15 different strains of beneficial bacteria. Typically, the best ones will be in the refrigerated section of your health food store.
- Probiotics contain our good bacteria, that coats our internal organs and keeps yeast in check, preventing it from invading our systems through our organ walls.
- For infants, you want to get a probiotic that specifies that it’s for babies and toddlers, as the molecules are smaller and are more available in their little systems. If you are unable to find infant or toddler specific probiotics, go ahead and use the adult ones.
These are non-digestible parts of foods that probiotics can use to fuel their growth and activity. The prebiotics work by stimulating the growth of probiotics. However, in order to get to where they are needed, prebiotics must be able to get through the upper part of the intestine without being digested or absorbed by the body.
The top prebiotics are:
- Chicory root
- Dandelion greens
- Garlic
- Leek
- Onion
- Asparagus
- Wheat bran
- Whole grains (including oatmeal)
- Banana
- Flax
- Chia seeds
- Almonds
A Note on Almonds:
Almonds which are well known for their prebiotic properties that improve our digestive health by increasing levels of beneficial gut bacteria. They are also an excellent source of alkaline protein.
Soaking them in water in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours will remove their phytic acid, making the nutrients more bio available. Phytic acid is an enzyme inhibitor that protects the nuts while growing. You may wish to sprinkle sea salt or Redmond salt on them.
To learn more about soaking and sprouting, please visit the Homestead Kitchen chapter of our book, The Do It Yourself Homestead. Click below for more details. For a free sample of that section, please email me at Tessa@homesteadlady.com.
Step 2 Green Supplement
Taking a greens supplement is incredibly helpful when you are balancing yeast. Mold, Fungi and yeast attach on to the greens molecules and helps to sweep them out efficiently.
Step 3 Healing with Herbs and More
Equal parts chaparral, Pau D’arco, olive leaf, and myrrh ground, combined and encapsulated.
Homestead Lady butts in – You can also tincture these herbs, but they taste super nasty. To learn how to encapsulate your own herbal supplements, please click here.
If you are in stage 1, you could try the following regimen for persons 7 years and older:
- 3 pills (or 3 dropperfuls – dropperful equals 25 drops)
- 3 times per day for 14 days – which would equal 120 pills or 4 oz of tincture.
Tips and tricks for treating with herbs:
Once this 14 days is complete, take 3 pills (or 3 dropperfuls) once a day for one month for every year you’ve had a problem, otherwise the yeast is likely to overgrow again quickly.
For many people, this would include exposure to yeast overgrowth in the womb. For instance, if you are 30 years old, and you feel you’ve had yeast overgrowth symptoms all your life, you would take 3 pills a day for 30 months. Add on one more month if you think your mother had yeast overgrowth when she was pregnant with you.
Be sure to take a probiotic, greens and prebiotics with this regimen.
- Infants and between 4-12 months, doing 1 dropperful per day with a probiotic is sufficient.
- Children 1-3 years, 2 dropperfuls with a probiotic per day.
- Kids 4-6 years, 2-3 dropperfuls with a probiotic.
MyFeelGoodFoods.com has a regimen with which may people report good success.
(Homestead Lady chimes in – I’ve done this one and I’ve made my own with Amy’s recipe and advice – both were effective but buying it is, of course, easier than putting together your own. FYI, the cookbook from this site is WONDERFUL for families – very hard to find!)
Diet and Other Supplements
You will find a lot of recommendations when it comes to diet and balancing yeast, most of them highly impractical and certainly not doable for a toddler or child. Personally, I am not of the school of thought that eliminating fruits and vegetables from the diet is healthy.
While it is true that yeast can feed off of these foods, I find that treating with the herbs or oils eliminates the`need’ to cut out any healthy food. Additionally, many people are so intimidated by the diet restrictions, that they feel living with the yeast is better than the treatment.
I have found that those with a whole food diet, ones that even include dairy and meat, can see huge success implementing the herbs and oils, but the following are some general diet guidelines that will improve your outcomes.
- Garlic – Two fresh clove are high in a biologically active compound called allicin. This is a strong anti-fungal.
- Reducing and/or eliminating refined sugars, refined flours, and refined grains (ie white rice) is the most important step.
- Vitamin D – Yeast overgrowth produces an immune suppression, or maybe it overgrows because of a lack of it, but either way, when a yeast overgrowth is present, you must increase your vitamin D levels.
- Before treating with any herbs or essential oils, please refer to Part 4 in this series to avoid negative side effects.
Yeast Overgrowth Die Off
The Herxheimer Reaction
When large numbers of yeast cells die in a short period of time, the body has a difficult time detoxifying them quickly. As a result, yeast toxins enter circulation and can cause symptoms in the mucous membranes that cover the surfaces of most organs in the body, including the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine, sexual and urinary organs, sinuses and ears.
Those who are in stage 2 or higher of yeast overgrowth tend to feel worse, not better, when they begin balancing yeast because of die off.
Because most babies and toddlers are still only in stage 1, they tend not to experience negative symptoms of yeast die off. If they do, though this can be a disturbing experience, it is actually a sign that the treatment is working.
These symptoms are the predictable result of yeast die-off, also called the Herxheimer reaction. Each person’s die-off reaction is different. In some, preexisting symptoms are exacerbated; in others, new symptoms appear.
Symptoms of Die-Off
Symptoms can last anywhere from several days to two weeks, usually starting on the third day of balancing yeast.
Typical die-off symptoms are:
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- greasy hair
- stomach upset
- gas
- burping
- vertigo
- fatigue
- brain fog
- low grade fever
- headache
- sore throat
- muscle and/or joint soreness or pain
- feeling as if coming down with a flu
To Reduce or Eliminate Die-Off Symptoms:
- Take a strong, daily probiotic.
- Try an epsom salt bath, or a baking soda bath, to help draw out toxins.
- Consider performing several enemas.
If you do not effectively rid the yeast as it is dying off and dumping, it can possibly settle in other areas of your body, such as your joints. Yeast die off symptoms are a sign that the system’s eliminatory pathways are overburdened or as oftentimes happens, blocked.
Individuals with elevated heavy metal levels may have special problems with yeast die-off reactions. If you experience yeast die off symptoms and refuse to do an enema, I would recommend backing off of your herbal dosage.
This would mean that your road to yeast balancing will take longer and may be more difficult than had you done enemas.
Healthy Gut Maintenance
Since we are constantly exposed to yeast overgrowth triggers, such as heavy metals and stress to say the least, after you balance out initially, it is highly unlikely that you will never need to rebalance your gut. Taking a probiotics and greens supplement daily, in addition to improving your diet is just the first step to keeping your gut in check.
Just for good measure, you may want to spend at least one month out of the year taking the yeast herbs daily. January is a great time to do this, as it is right after the holidays when we are barraged with sub par foods and stress. Treating for yeast after a particularly stressful event would also be a good idea.
Also, meditating, exercising, laughing and engaging other stress reducing activities as part of a permanent lifestyle change are in order.
Additionally, consider going off of as many, if not all pharmaceuticals, including birth control pills, would be ideal. Learning how to use `natural antibiotics’ so that you can reduce or eliminate treating with prescription antibiotics would be a high priority.
My Feel Good Foods/My Yeast Treatment
Mountain Rose Herbs Candida Yeast Cure
Dr. Hotze
Coconut Diet
Remember to visit Amy Jones, the author of this series of articles, at YayaGuru – click here to go to her site.
Cover image gratefully attributed to this Pexels user.
Erin B. says
I just found your site through the frugally sustainable link-up (I linked-up, too!). I am very excited to read these posts about overgrowth of yeast. I recently discovered this topic and have been looking into ways to detoxify and by far, this is the most comprehensive. Thank you for posting!
Homestead Lady says
So glad you found them helpful! I’m very grateful to Amy for allowing me to share all that info – the credit totally goes to her!
Kristie says
Would you recommend taking things to kill off the yeast if the person still has mercury fillings in place?
Homestead Lady says
Bear in mind, I’m not your doctor but I know several people who have those fillings that combat their yeast in this holistic way. If you know anything about energy work and/or you pray, you can try putting a shield around your fillings until you can have them removed and replaced (it’s quite a process!). If you have an holistic practitioner, I suggest you consult with him/her. Good luck – you’ll find the answer and feel so much better!
Jenny says
Thank you so much for posting this yeast series. Our family has been building up for this herbal cleanse with prebiotics, probiotics, and a greens supplement. Would you mind sharing your favorite greens supplements. We have been using Amazing Grass, but I would love your input about which ones are most effective.
Homestead Lady says
Sounds like you’re on top of things, Jenny! I’m not expert on greens supplements, simply because I’m usually just shoving as many raw, leafy greens down our throats as possible. However, I do use a digestive supplement with spirulina (a wonderfully powerful green) before, during and after a cleanse. I use the recipe in this book, which is technically a cookbook – a great one for gut- and family-friendly foods. That book also has the recipe for the GI cleanse (called “Exodus” – tee hee) I use while purging yeast overgrowth (or any other yucky thing). I bought the products the first time I tried a yeast cleanse, and then just bought the cookbook so I could make my own. Plus, this cookbook has the most wonderful real foods lemon bars evah! I just throw that in there…for after your cleanse, of course.
Hope that helps?
Artur Saraiva says
I don’t think anyone mentioned kefir, it’s all you’ll ever need it’s medically proved that Kefir is the best in supplying god bacteria to the gut. Do your own research. I had high levels of problem allergies for over 30 year I’m 45 now and taking kefir for the last 5 yers and I’m a very happy with the change it made over all. I switched the culture from cows milk to goat’s last year i find it even better .
I hope my comment will help on you research.
Ps kefir is known for many cures i recomend the milk one and not the water as it’s far superior and ok for 99% of people with lactose intolerance as it also helps to make you stronger in that department.
Homestead Lady says
Thank you for sharing that – kefir is, indeed, a wonderful probiotic, gut-restorative resource!
Jenny says
I am planning to make my own 4 herb yeast capsules for the cleanse. Thanks for your post on encapsulating!!! What size capsule would you use for an 8 year old child (she’s a lightweight)? Do you think size 0 would be large enough? My daughter doesn’t like to swallow capsules. I think if I break them open into a glass of water she will drink it. Will the herbs still be as effective that way? Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and experience!
Homestead Lady says
So glad you found it helpful, Jenny! The 00 capsules are about half the size of the 0 capsules, so your daughter might fare better with those. (Here’s a short breakdown on the capsule sizes.)You can also put them into some water and they’ll be just as effective. However, the taste may be a drawback! If you’re concerned about pills for your kids, you can easily learn to make a tincture. Tinctures are liquid (I use glycerin, which is slightly sweet) and go down much easier. You can also add in sweeteners and pleasant flavors like mint and stevia when you make them yourself. Here are two articles on learning to make tinctures – one from Mountain Rose Herb and one from Wellness Mamma.
If you need to know more, I have lots of great herbal resources I can recommend. Don’t hesitate to ask!
Allison says
Do you happen to know if the herbal portion of this is safe to do while pregnant or nursing? I’m still nursing my 14 month old a few times a day and plan to get pregnant around the time she turns 2. I’m 27 and am pretty confident I’ve had a yeast overgrowth my whole life but 28 months of supplementing would for sure overlap with pregnancy/nursing for a long time since I plan to have more kids. This seems like such a great solution as I’m already doing everything else, but want to be safe for my babies too!
Homestead Lady says
No, several of these can be uterine stimulants and may cause adverse effects while nursing. If you really feel led to use the herbs, plan to take a break between babies – a month or two would be sufficient for a concentrated cleanse then just negate the maintenance doses while your still bearing children. Diet can be your maintenance.
The most important thing, in my opinion, is to continue to modify your diet until you find healing. Your body will naturally cleanse itself of yeast overgrowth and the dead yeast that is killed by diet change, it just takes a little longer. I can recommend Hilary Boynton’s The Heal Your Gut Cookbook for that – it’s the one my family uses for cleansing and generally good guidelines. Again, using diet alone is slower but you’ll get there eventually.
Good luck and I pray you find healing. You far ahead of where I was in my baby years – I feel like I just didn’t know anything useful in my twenties!